
We're using the power of APIs to improve connectivity and deliver competitive advantage. Simply, securely and seamlessly. For you. And for your customers.

Case studies


As a core member of the TISA Open Savings and Investments group, we've worked with industry colleagues on Open Standards in the financial industry. 

Through openness, collaboration and shared learnings, we aim to enhance our customers' capabilities and whole financial wellbeing.

Open Banking

As we continue to move towards open platforms, we must be able to securely consume data in the Open Banking ecosystem and supply authorised data.

We went live with our first banking partner in September 2019 and are actively working with other UK banks and financial institutions to improve the breadth of our offer.

Fidelity is a registered AISP and member of the Open Banking Directory.

Global Partner (SPS, WI)

Technology enhances the global capabilities of our customers. In turn, our systems need to meet their needs, no matter where in the world they operate. 

Our API programmes allow globally diverse systems to communicate using common protocols and messaging formats. This brings systems together and provides global tools to both partners and customers.

"Having well defined APIs allows us to leverage capabilities to create new services, product and customer experiences and help drive higher levels of business value."
– Stuart Warner, Head of Technology at Fidelity International

Easy tools for developers

All of our APIs can be tried out on the site, without needing access to the sandbox. Simply enter your parameters and hit 'try it out' to get a real response example.
Try me out example

Easy 1-2-3 step process to get started


Step 1

Explore our API catalogue
Contact us for access.


Step 2

Test the API in our sandbox environment


Step 3

Discover the difference our APIs 
make when launched

Partner with us

We believe in partnerships.

Together, we can explore – and make best use of – our increasingly connected world

Support & feedback

We have plenty of practical advice covered in our FAQs, but if you can't find what you're looking for, please get in touch via our contact form.