If you don’t see your question answered below, please get in touch with us and we’ll do our best to help.

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How do I use the 'Try it out' Feature?

One very useful feature of developer.fil.com is the 'Try it out' feature which enables you to try out an API and view a response. This is not available for all items in the API catalogue, although for the majority it is.

To use this feature do the following:

1) Go to the catalogue and select the API you want to try out, make sure you are in the + API view 

Catalogue view

2) Click on the Authorize button near the top of the window

Authorize button

3) The following modal will appear - click on authorize and default credentials will automatically load.

authorize modal

4) You can now click close and you will notice that the Authorize button will appear locked.

authorize button closed

5) Open the API method/end point you wish try out, locate and click on the try it out button(the padlock should be closed if authorized correctly as in point 2 and 3)


try it out button

6) Enter valid parameters(use the info view to obtain these if unsure) and click execute, you will then see your response. 

try it our response
Do you provide language specific SDKs?

At the moment we only offer sample CURL requests for our APIs.
If we see enough demand for others then we might consider adding them.

Can I use a sandbox to try an API before signing up to use it ?

All of our APIs provide test endpoints where you can send typical requests to see what typical responses will look like.

Please note that out of necessity these test endpoints will only cover a limited set of scenarios.

How many requests can I make to an API each day?

The number of requests allowed with any given time period is associated with the API products you have signed up to use. If you find that APIs are returning errors because you have exceeded the allowed usage then please get in touch and we can discuss a plan that better meets your needs.

What are API keys and secrets for?

When you register one of your applications on the portal it is associated with an API product.  API products are collections of APIs that share similar characteristics or may be tailored for individual clients.  The API key and secret are the credentials that we use to verify  that it is actually your application that is using an API.  You should treat these like any other credentials and secure them.

Who do I contact for support or further information?

Please email us on our contact page.

Why do I need to register?

FIL wants to provide the best service we can to the developers who are using our APIs. In order to do this, we would like to know who you are and who you work for so we can contact you about our APIs if necessary.  We only use this information for the purposes of API consumption and it is not shared with any other part of FIL.

Registering also gives you an identity on the portal, this allows you to see our full API catalogue and to contribute to our API forums.